Saturday, January 4, 2014

Life Lesson from Death of Paul Walker

Life Lessons Learned from the Paul Walker crash tragedy

Paul Walker was traveling more than 100 miles per hour when the fancy and pricey Porsche Carrera GT in which he was a passenger spun out of control and crashed on Nov. 30, according to a report by the Los Angeles County Coroner released on Friday.

Paul Walker was pronounced (D-O-A), Hollywood parlance for Dead-On-Arrival. The Santa Clarita, Calif. corner released a report that the crash killed the Fast & Furious actor and the car's driver. Walker's friend and business partner Roger Rodas was the reputed driver The report notes that the driver, Rodas, was traveling at a dangerous speed and then lost control of the car.

Preliminary reports from coroner report suggests that neither Rodas, 38, nor Walker, 40, had alcohol, cocaine, marijuana or other impairing drugs in their system.

Paul Walker's Attempts to Imitate Art Backfires

Although the car that Paul Walker was a passenger in was being driven by another person, it is highly suspected that Paul Walker had influence over his friend and business partner. The influence carried over to the speed and unsafe driving tactics.

The Fast and the Furious is an American media franchise including a series of action films which center on illegal street racing and heists, and various other media portraying the characters and situations from the films. In real-life, Paul Life attempted to adapt scenes from his illegal street racing and failed to recognize that he is a creation of Hollywood. His driving skills, knowledge, and influence did not persuade his business partner to observe the rules of the road and slow down. The end result was death.

What Lessons In Life Can we Learn from the Paul Walker tragedy

Paul Walker was an actor. In carefully scripted scenes replete with safety measures, professionals, assistants, and guidance from persons with dozens of years of experience, Paul Walker appeared to be a skilled driver on the acting set of The Fast and the Furious. In reality, Paul Walker was simply an actor that Hollywood created to fabricate heroic driving tales, and street racing.

The Lessons Learned in Life from Paul Walker is really simple, and can apply to any actor or actress. Never believe that the script you are chosen to portray represents yourself or is a manisfestation of your skills or talent. In other words, don't get big-headed.

Paul Walker and his friend tried to re-create an illegal street racing scene from the The Fast and the Furious show, and nature proved that neither Paul Walker or his friend were skilled drivers. Paul Walker may be a good actor, but he is no Nascar Jimmie Johnson or Jeff Gordon. Not even close. Even Nascar drivers know better than to street race.

Paul Walker and his friend perished due to arrogance and ego. The Lesson in Life for others: Never believe the hype that Hollywood creates about your character. It is simply hype, and NOT reality!!!! Good luck Paul Walker. In death, may you become the skilled driver that you were not in life.

If you have an opinon on this case or other cases, please feel free to submit your essay as part of our Lessons Learned in Life Scholarship series:
Lessons Learned in Life Scholarship series

Friday, December 27, 2013

Life Lessons Learned from Asa James Dolak tragedy

Life Lessons Learned from Asa James Dolak tragedy

Asa James Dolak is the 19-year-old man suspected of torching his mother's home. He also is suspected of setting fire to an apartment that his 2-year-old son was in. The son narrowly escaped the fire. Asa James Dolak was shot in an officer-involved shooting at the same Torrance middle school he once attended, authorities said.

At 19 years-old, Asa James Dolak allegedly had been fighting with his ex-girlfriend -- the mother of his 2 year-old child -- on Christmas night. The heated argument escalated, with lots of name-calling, said officials said. In a teenage rage, the teenager Asa James Dolak then allegedly threatened his equally young girl-friend and a male friend who apparently was in the home at the time of the incident. Police allege that the young Asa James Dolak threatened the male visitor with a knife, and then became so angry that he punched out a TV and busted her phone.

Male Friend Witnesses Violence but offers little Resistance or direct Help

Nicholas Ruppert, apparently a male friend of the young ex-girl friend of James Dolak, was at the home when Dolak allegedly snuck in through the back door. He said Dolak had called his ex-girlfriend about 40 times in two hours. Despite the fact that the girl-friend had already obtained a re-strained order against the suspect, Ruppert managed to watch quite a bit of violence taking place. As stated above, the male fried of Dolak s girlfriend apparently witnessed a string of violent acts happening within feet of his face:a knife threat; punching out the TV; a busted telephone; furniture, physical attacks, etc. What was Nicholas Ruppert, an alleged male, doing all this time while the home of his female friend was being trashed? In an act of complete disrespect,and violence, Asa James Dolak proceeded to torch the home with a bottle of lighter fluid by placing the liquid on the living room floor. Instead of reporting that he intervened and physically restrained Asa James Dolak, Ruppert simply reports that he heard flames. Chaos of course erupted thereafter, and the girl-friend fled the house while a 2-year old baby was still there. It is appears that Nicholas Ruppert was either impotent of moral resolve or was powerless to deter an angry teenage boy.

What Lessons In Life Can we Learn from the Asa James Dolak tragedy

This is a tragedy that could have and should have been very easliy prevented. Local authorities should have been alerted of the increasing tone, and threatening phone calls made by Asa James Dolak to his former girl-friend. The police should have immediately went to charge Dolak with violating his restraining order.

The male that was with the former girl-friend should have deceptively kept Dolak on the telephone until police arrived while another person ensured the safety of the child and woman. Another lesson for any teengage mother is never associate with males who have have a violent streak. We can go on and on.

Asa James Dolak was angry, but the right communication tactics could have calmed him down. Never entrust your safety to a male who will not defend you. Dolak should have been immediately tackled the moment he became visible; or, the police should have been waiting.

If you have an opinon on this case or other cases, please feel free to submit your essay as part of our Lessons Learned in Life Scholarship series:
Lessons Learned in Life Scholarship series